Pharmacies online – Are they safe?

What are the risks associated with online pharmacies? We have changed our lives, our work, and our shopping because of the Internet. We can now compare prices online and buy medicines without leaving our houses. Prescriptions can also be ordered online for refills, and most insurance plans cover mail-order prescriptions.
However, there are some bad apples on the internet, with sites trying to skirt regulations or scam consumers. All industries are affected by this, including Farmacia on line.
Earlier this year, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) began cracking down on websites selling potentially dangerous medications. In addition, the FDA has released a consumer guide explaining what to look for when choosing an online pharmacy and how to identify red flags. The BeRxSafe tool helps consumers determine if an online pharmacy is safe and legitimate.
If you decide to buy medications online, as with any other internet transaction you may make, be very cautious! Beware of websites that sell potentially dangerous medications. You could also put your personal information at risk if some sites don’t follow legal procedures.
Find out what you need to know about online prescription drugs before you click the “buy” button.
Online Medications: What Are Their Benefits?
You can purchase prescription and over-the-counter medications at a more affordable price from an online pharmacy, providing you with an easy and private means of buying medications. When you live in a rural area, do not drive, or are disabled, frail, or homebound, online pharmacies are especially convenient.
With the help of Internet technology, you can also compare drug prices and shop for bargains. Your insurance company may suggest that you order a three-month supply of your medication and have it delivered to your home.
Those who are embarrassed about ordering certain medications or healthcare products can order them through online pharmacies, which allow you to remain anonymous. For instance, Viagra (Sildenafil), a medication used for treating erectile dysfunction, is one of the most frequently purchased online medications.
The FDA considers the absence of a pharmacist on an online pharmacy’s website a red flag that it may not be a safe site (the FDA considers the lack of a pharmacist one of the red flags indicating a site may not be reliable).
Buying medications online is safe, but how can I do it?
As a smart Internet shopper, here are some tips from the FDA:
- You can find a list of FDA-approved online pharmacies here. By selecting your state, you will be taken to the regulatory agency for that state, which has the capability to check if a particular pharmacy is licensed and in good standing.
- Social media platforms should not be used to purchase medications.
- Never buy from an online pharmacy that offers to prescribe medication without a physical exam for the first time.
- Online pharmacies that sell drugs not approved by the FDA or that offer you prescription drugs without a prescription from your healthcare provider should be avoided.
- Use only sites that offer easy access to licensed pharmacists.
- You should use a pharmacy in your insurer’s provider network if you have health insurance. The pharmacy will be vetted by your insurer and verified as legitimate, as well as receiving the network-negotiated pricing for the drug.
- I would advise you to avoid websites that do not provide information about the company, including a physical address in the United States and a telephone number you can call if there is an issue. The site should make it easy for you to learn about its privacy and security policies.
- You should be cautious when visiting sites that offer “new cures” for serious disorders or quick fixes for a multitude of health problems. There may be undocumented cases reported on these sites concerning “miracle cures” and “amazing” medical results.
- Sites that assert the government, medical professionals, or researchers conspired to suppress a product should be avoided.
- If possible, request the product in its original packaging. Upon receipt, inspect the packaging closely. Talk with your healthcare provider or a local pharmacist before taking the medication if you notice anything unusual or if you have concerns about the safety of the medication.