Frankly Speaking, There’s Nothing Wrong with Experimentation and Exploring Different Facets of Life. Thus, Don’t Feel Guilty if you have Already Tried One and You Liked it. Because, I Certainly Did! Yet it is Demonized in Society! Why aren’t Sugar and Chocolates Blamed for Obesity and High Cholesterol? They are Mortal Killers Too.
In Fact, the World Health Organization has Declared Last Year itself that Not Less Than 2.8 Million People Die Every Year due to Obesity. Therefore, No Need to Stigmatize Chainsmokers or even someone like Me who has had The First Puff of her Life at the Age of 26! What You Don’t Realize is that some of our Fondest Memories are Associated with Smoking Cigarettes or Marijuana!
In This Blog, I’ll Share Mine. And Let Me Provide a Little Background! I Smoked My First Ever Cigarette with my Best Friend the Night Before I vacated My Room at a Girls’ Hostel. The Fun Part is this, we were Squatting and Puffing just like the Oldies living in a Village. It wasn’t about the Cigarettes anymore, but our Deep-Rooted Bonding. We Shared Laughs and we were doing so when it was Pitch Dark at the Terrace! I can never Forget that Moment. It is still Crystal Clear in my Head and that’s How it shall Remain until I Die.
We were High! And that is why we were Giggling for a Long Time for No Reason At All. It’s a Shout Out To All Those Annoying Sober Souls Out There who love to Giving Advice to Others. Instead, they’ll even have an Hour-Long Lecture Ready to Tell you what a Sin you Have Committed! And How you are such a Disgrace to the Family! I Love this Insult the Most “ You Have Smeared Our Faces with Shame and Now We Can’t Even Go Out”
Hey! I’m this Cool Sassy Lass! So, This is a Safe Space to Open Up and Talk About the Mental Torture We Go Through just because we took a Puff of a Cigarette.
Here’s a Good One, Let Me Break this Myth Once and For All! No, Not Everyone Starts Coughing when they take their Lives’ First Ever Smokey Blow! Although, if you are Smoking on a Regular Daily Basis then, Don’t Forget to Hydrate yourself. That is to say, Cigarettes Might Dry Up your Throat, so to Avoid that, Have Fruit Juice while you are Blowing. But Adults Prefer Whiskey whey they even Smoke Cigars!
So, you Might Be Thinking that I’m a Certified Smoker too? I’m Sorry to burst your Bubble, but I’m Not. Not Because I didn’t have the Opportunity but I had all the Money Buying Clothes and Huda Beauty Lipsticks! Lastly, Don’t Beat Yourself over Smoking because All That Matters At The End of the Day is to Have Peace of Mind! Are you Happy? Do you Go to Sleep with a Smile on your Face? Then, Keep Doing What You Love the Most because you have got just One Life! And you should Live it to the Fullest! I can Give you Many Examples wherein the Woman was Vegan and Did Yoga Every Single Day, didn’t Drink Liquor or ever Smoked, and ended up getting Cancer because she was Tensed All the Time!