Does the Electronic Cigarette give a genuine Experience?

I am a smoker. And to be very honest, regardless of how much other people tell me not to smoke, I get drawn towards it. It is relieving and almost elevating. I mean, really, I could give up drinking, but be smoking? Not a chance in hell! However, I am also educated and of late I have come across a lot of content that suggests that smoking cigarette can really mess your body up. Being in my late twenties and yet to have a baby, I have started getting my doubts about what could be a safer (if not healthier) alternative to my good old Marlboro lights.
Electronic Cigarette
It’s true! It works miraculously. It is an amazing device that can quench your thirst for a beautiful puff while not adding any tar to your lungs. I wasn’t too sure about the electronic cigarette until later when a friend gifted it to me.
I tried it and trust me I absolutely LOVED it. It is simple, quite stylish too and the best part about it is that it doesn’t get over! Don’t you just hate it when you light a Cigarette and someone walks in on you, so you leave it at the counter and by the time you come back, it’s already over! Well, an electronic cigarette is just awesome that ways.
You just charge its batteries and get going. You will love how authentic an experience it can give. The LED placed at the tip of it lights up the moment you draw it. When you release it shuts out, just like a normal cigarette would.
Don’t stop smoking, just mend the way!
If you are hesitant in purchasing an electronic cigarette from a local store, then you can rely on the internet for it. You can easily Google ‘buy cigarettes online’ and get a list of online websites that sell electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes).
Some of these sites deliver all over the world with prepaid models. However, there are others that offer free home delivery and cash on delivery for a lot of locations. For any such queries, you can make a quick net search about such sites.
It might seem to be an expensive investment, however, please note that e-cigarettes pay off in the long run. They are equivalent to 1000 plus cigarettes and have no health drawbacks, so ensure that you don’t hesitate to put in a few hundred bucks in the beginning. What’s more, research a little about the various companies that offer these cigarettes apart from all the flavors and so on and so forth before you buy it.