Is wild hemp as useful as cultivated?

Ministry of Science and Technology has announced that the cannabis plant will be cultivated industrially in the country and the resulting cannabidiol or CBD, which is used in various medicines, will not only be used to make medicines. It will be exported.
The Minister for Science and Technology said in a press briefing that the climate of the Pothohar area is conducive for the production of hemp.
The Minister for Science and Technology said the history of Afghanistan regarding cannabis. He said that China is now cultivating hemp on 40,000 acres and Canada on 100,000 acres. According to him, it also makes fiber which is useful for the textile industry.
He said the government would currently conduct further research and set up safeguards on its own.
He said: ‘Hemp is being used in other medicines including cancer; it is also becoming oil for athletes. Our commercial plan seeks to bring the hemp market up to 1 billion over the next three years.
Dr. Iqbal Chaudhry, director of the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), an organization selected to work on the project, said that certification is required for hemp products and the machines used for it. And the skills needed are present in our organization.
He further said that the option at the government level is to cultivate it and make it into the oil. It is also used in soaps and shampoos.
Is wild hemp as useful as cultivated?
If the wild cannabis plant grows normally, is this car cannabis so useful or does it require special cultivation? In this regard, Dr. Asim Rehman, a professor in the Department of Pharmacy, Quaid-e-Azam University, told that the plant contains a substance called cannabidiol, which is used in painkillers, oils, and cannabidiol. Used in sprays or in healers.
He said that research in this regard has been going on since 1983 and research on the use of cannabis in various medicines is still going on in the Department of Medicine of Quaid-e-Azam University. He said that this factor plays an important role in patients suffering from severe pain and also helps in reducing the heat generated by fever in the body.
He said that now that the government has permitted regular cultivation, it will be easier to make medicines.
According to Prof. Dr. Asim Rehman, “Basically, special elements of the cannabis plant help boost the immune system and also calming. But there is a difference between ordinary wild car cannabis and regular cultivated cannabis. No one can break the cannabis car and start eating it as medicine.
He said that cannabidiol is rarely found in wild carnivorous cannabis while narcotics are more harmful. Regular cannabis plant belongs to the same cannabis family, but its botanical properties will be high in cannabidiol and low in harmful elements.
It should be noted that non-narcotic cannabis is also cultivated in Russia for industrial use. And the oil and seeds obtained from it are used to treat paralysis. In addition, the United States is a major market for CBD oil.