How Ayurveda Offers The Most Effective Treatment For PCOS?

Unlike last few decades, the term PCOS and PCOD have become a common topic of discussion all over the world. India is very much a part of these discussions as it is rapidly becoming the global capital of PCOS. PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a gynaecological problem that erupts due to a severe imbalance of hormones in a women’s body. The exact cause of this problem is yet to know which is one of the reasons why modern medicine has lagged behind in providing full relief from this problem. Most treatments offered for PCOS are more like hit-and-trial methods that may or may not provide effective relief from this situation. Why is this a matter of concern? Because overlooking this problem for long or not getting treatment on time can have serious consequences. Women suffering from PCOS have serious fertility issues and may fail to conceive or maintain full-term pregnancy.
Ayurveda, on the other hand, takes a very systematic and effective approach to this problem as it works to ensure not just to cure the root cause of this problem but ensure lasting relief with the least chances of recurrence. A big reason to accept and consider ayurvedic treatment for pcos. In Ayurveda, PCOS is caused by vitiation of the governing energies of our body – vata, kapha and pitta. Every single one of these energies controls and regulates different parts and functions of our body. When there is an excess accumulation of toxins, too less physical activity, and overconsumption of unhealthy fats and carbs, the balance between vata, pitta, and kapha disturbs paving the way to the development of health problems.
A women suffers from PCOS when her body releases male hormones in more than the required quantity which leads to a series of side effects and health problems. The effects and symptoms vary from patient to patient. On a broad scale, however, PCOS is divided into two categories:
- Symptomatic: When major signs and symptoms of PCOS are apparent.
- Asymptomatic: When visible signs and symptoms of PCOS are hidden or appear in the slightest.
Why Does PCOS Lead To Infertility?
Before we dive into the ins and outs of the relationship between PCOS and infertility, please note that it is not a compulsive condition. Not every female that suffers from PCOS faces issues with pregnancy. However, most women that have fertility issues commonly have PCOS at varying degrees in their system. The reason is that excess male hormones in her body interfere with the natural ovulation process. It doesn’t let the uterus prepare the endometrium for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Most PCOS patients have irregular periods accompanied by very less or heavy bleeding. The disturbance in the monthly cycle further complicates the hormonal balance leading to the delayed release of underdeveloped eggs that fail to fertilize. In some cases, if the woman is able to conceive, the thin endometrial layer fails to keep the fertilized egg in place leading to a miscarriage or premature delivery. Either way, it is a painful and emotionally stressing condition for any female who wishes to start her family.
How Does Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOS Works In Your Favour?
Ayurvedic treatment works naturally towards the rectification of faulty workings of the female reproductive system. It includes various Panchakarma therapies, herbal medication, diet regulations, and lifestyle adjustments that restore the lost balance between vata, pitta, and kapha. Regular exercise and a simple diet are some of the basic prerequisites for Ayurvedic treatment as it works to ensure long-term relief from the problem.
Alongside, yoga is a prominent part of ayurvedic treatment for pcos. Deep breathing exercises and yoga poses play a key role in improving the natural working and strength of pelvic muscles, organs and systems. Regular practice of these asanas can easily restore natural hormonal activity and help you get lasting relief from hormonal problems like PCOS, PCOD, thyroid, irregular periods, and so on. Just ensure that you take your doctor’s consultation before you begin any exercise regimen. Also, it is important to learn the exercises and postures from an expert before adding them to your daily routine. Make sure you maintain a healthy vegetarian diet and a disciplined routine to realize the best benefits of yoga for PCOS/PCOD.