A Day in the Life of a sex worker

I want to be anonymous due to the reason many of my friends are elite escorts. Hence, in case people come to know my identity, my friends identities maybe revealed to them. Actually, my business is based in London, and I make use of escorts when I visit the city. To tell you in brief, just like most other professions such as lawyers, doctors, or engineers have different levels of expertise and rank, the escorts have different classes, like, high-class escort a.k.a A-level Escorts, and regular escorts a.k.a courtesan, etc. Escorting is just like any other service where escorts do tasks for their clients, and are paid for those services. There is complete transparency.
How The High-class Escorts Work?
Some of the high-class sexy girl escorts work like geisha girls. They accompany clients to events, and are normally well taught, well-mannered, and traveled. Moreover, they are spruced up and dashing. And last but not the least they are beautiful. Apart from the already mentioned services these escorts also provide sexual service. Truth be told, these girls come with a price, and are typically paid buddies.
These elite escorts from blond escortsto brunette escorts, use websites to do business. Most often they will have a nice website operated individually or by an escorts agency. On the websites you can find glamorous pictures of the escorts. Clients need to be alert since some deceitful agencies use fake images. Often the high quality websites use genuine pictures. Agencies that use fake images are better avoided.
The Average Day Of An Escort Girl
In any case, how is the day of A-level Escorts like? These girls will service several clients in the course of the week. Sometimes the number can increase like during a major sporting event. They normally average 2 clients every day or 5 clients a week. All relies on the agency and season. Relying on how well run the agency is, they will establish a timetable. All the sexy girlescorts will call in and inform the agency of their available time. As soon as a call is received from a potential client and appointment is made, the escort receives a call and makes arrangements herself to get there.
Unlike agency-employed escorts, the self-employed escorts need to message & answer the calls of potential clients themselves. Moreover, they need to do verification checks and make appointments to meet up with them. Most of the wedded customers prefer weekdays to visit escorts because in the weekend they want to be with their family.
Do Escorts Have Day-off?
Normally, working with a good agency ensures that the a-level escorts get free days, since they don’t need to look around for customers themselves or screen calls etc., Usually they will comfortably service several clients in a week and make £1000 – £5000. In this way, they’ll have some free time, that they can utilize to do things like modeling& acting, or study, and of course travel. Most escorts whether blondeescortsor brunette escorts, enjoy traveling. So, to answer the question – Do Escorts Have Day-off? Yes, they enjoy lot of leisure time. Normally, the escort girls will see several customers during the day, and as soon as the target is met, it depends on them whether or not they want to call it a day. Then again, some young and sexy girlescorts who attend school in the day, may want to do night shift; and, meet their prospective customers in nightclubs.
Escorting come under service industry. The escort girls make appointment with clients, do their duties, and receive payment. Like Geishas they feign love and make customers feel special. This is the worth of escorts contrary to ordinary prostitutes. Escorting is like sales and marketing. In any case, the hours for Escorts is a lot shorter. What’s more, they earn lot more. At the same time, the career of an escort is generally short. Their career ends after some years. Their market worth declines as they get older. As I see it, I’ll prefer to hire a young escort, like who’s in her 20s, opposed to a 40+ escort.