Tips For Vaping In The Summer

Summer calls for days spent outside in all sorts of different elements. With all this fun, we need to keep in mind our vaping devices can be prone to the extreme heat, and other summer activities such as hikes and beach days. This means being we need to pay more attention to how we treat our vape pen and e-juice. In order to keep our vape pens safe, there are a few precautionary safety steps that you should take with you, to ensure that your summer is as enjoyable as possible. Check tips for vaping.
Don’t Leave Your Vape Pen In Your Car
During the summer months, we’re all familiar with how hot and stuffy our cars can get due to prolonged exposure to heat rays. The temperature within your car can soar when it’s left out during the day, which is why it’s important that you don’t leave your vape pen to charge in your car.
Leaving your vape pen in the car means that the batteries will be exposed to extreme temperatures. It can seriously damage them and this may even result in a broken pen. In some cases, direct sunlight can even cause batteries to explode due to overheating.
Overheating can also lead to ingredients in your e-juice to degenerate and lose their flavor and potency.
You should also avoid using car chargers by using wall chargers when possible instead and make sure to store your device in a location that’ll stay cool and keep your device out of the sun.
If you do plan on keeping your device in the car, try to keep it below your seat or side pocket. The hottest location in your car is the dashboard, so avoid this location at all times.
Keep Your E-Juice Cool
It’s good to keep your vape pen stored in a cool place, but it’s also important that you pay mind to where you keep your e-juice too. With the temperatures rising during the summer months, your e-liquids could be exposed to more heat than they can handle.
If your e-juice is exposed to higher than normal temperatures, the flavor and color of your e-liquid can actually change. This is due to certain ingredients in e-juice that are sensitive to UV rays .
For example, a common ingredient called Vegetable Glycerine, a vegetable byproduct, can actually separate and lose its original flavoring and composition. This is irreversible. VG can also thin out when it’s hot and can lead to tank leakage.
This means that, not only will your liquid be less effective, but you’ll be having to replace it more often as the flavor can disappear altogether.
However, just as heat can have negative effects, the same thing can happen if the liquid is exposed to temperatures that are too low, so don’t store them in the fridge either. Just try to just keep your products stored in a dry, cool place.
Tips for Vaping – Be Prepared For Your Next Adventure
Keep Your Vape Pen Protected
You may want to take your vape pen along with you to the beach or your neighborhood barbecue, but you also need to factor in the effects that outdoor elements can have on your device.
Water, dirt, and sand are not friends to your vape pen. It can do serious damage if the two come into contact. Keep your e-cig out of reach of water, and make sure not to leave it lying around. By using a carrying case, you can protect your device and easily store your e-liquids.
Keeping Extras On Hand Never Hurts
Spur of the moment hiking trips, long drives, or short adventures may happen during the summer. It doesn’t hurt to keep extra vape gear on hand prepared.
I always suggest having a vape survival kit on hand, which includes a charger, extra juice, and even extra batteries.
Summer E-juice Flavors
Yes, there are e-juice flavors that fit well with summer! This is the time to try out fruity flavors that will be refreshing in the summer heat.

Pink lemonade, Fog Crisp Rango, Watermelon, amongst other great fruity flavors to try.
Don’t let summer slow you down or keep you indoors. To ensure that you have the best summer vaping experience as possible, it’s important to keep these few tips for vaping in mind.
Simple changes such as purchasing a carrying case or charging your device before leaving the house can save you the hassle of having to deal with a damaged device and keep your days enjoyable.